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Hey You
I am worth $2,790,000 :D
Dmn NCC Air 07S04 TPJC [PAE] Dragonboat
4evasky@gmail.com [msn][friendster]
view what ppl tink of me here
Join Chingay HERE

Interests: Basketball, Pool, ODAC, HALO, BoA, Yui

Wishlist: New Computer, things to get better, HER, that bag, that Shoe Bag, new specs, to meet quota of 1500 for chingay

psalms 27:4
One [thing] have I desired of the LORD,
that will I seek after;
that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life,
to behold the beauty of the LORD,
and to enquire in his temple. [KJV version]


Lonesome Traveller

Free shoutbox @ ShoutMix

Meng Shuen
Justin Boon
xiu mei
Li Ling
Sze Sian

Dunman Sec
Liang Hao
Pris OH
Joshua Kwok
Tai Tai
Hui Yu
Ya Kai
Yi han
Jia Yu
Yen Kheng
Nick Chua

Dmn air
Yu Heng
Kenneth Liong
De Hong
Marwin Kew
Dunman Air


Song Leng
Xinyi Ng
Xinyi Lee
Wen Jie

Ying Fang
Xin Wei
Geraldine Sim
Geraldine Tay

Kuan Rui
Yi Jun
Jie Xi

The Past
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007

flying off
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
thanks tk for making this pic!! haha

anyways.. i'm flying off today.. in abt 4hours time.. lol.. to viet!! =)
be back on 12dec.. but dun expect the blog to be updated as fast too.. lol

(9:39 AM)

Tuesday, December 04, 2007
and now for the ever random things we do.. no one can ever forget those suppers we had at the canteen when no one else was around.. prob all asleep.. haha.. washington was always the only one awake in the canteen drinking dessert which always was green bean or red bean.. or MIX.. lol.. ghost stories were told and we just scare everyone who was there and headed back to the bunk in the still of the night.. u could say we are siao bah.. haha..
o ya.. i never thought of it.. but singing can really pass the time when ur kayaking super long distances!! haha.. sorry jalene yingzhen and huishan [they were my partners] that u had to tolerate my singing.. haha.. Ryan from AJ became my good friend i tell u.. not only cause we sang on so many occasions.. but also that he's my unofficial FnB partner! haha.. all happened after i made it to SAF yatch club after being rescued.. well sorta.. found ryan and started chatting.. helped moved some kayaks and equipments up to the dock.. and eventually ended up picked by steven tgt with ryan to get some hot milo from the restaurant there.. haha.. we kinda took the appointment a lil serious though.. lol.. we started filling the cups up with milo and went around shouting FREE MILO!! haha.. when ppl asked us to help those who were coming up.. guess u could say we wanted to slack or smth.. we went back and distributed MILO to those who just came back.. haha.. that wasnt the only time of cuz.. during comm service while at the orphanage.. me and ryan helped distribute the Mee Goreng again! haha.. he's a great radio.. FnB and my sweeper during the 4th day of Sea Ex.. haha..

o ya... the final stretch back to OBS was the most fun by far!! WATER WARS.. haha.. tio scolded by Sea Ex leader alot of time... but no one really cared..lol.. we were like.. everyone FLOOD NEHRU 5 KAYAK!! [its basically a way of identifying.. the numbers were on the back of our life vests.] yup.. total funness.. then we decided to attack the Nav for that day.. we were like.. everyone catch up with the sea ex leader!! stay close to them! move closer!! lol.. it was just hilarious lah!! haha..

Fine weather is good, but you'll learn nothing. Therefore, I wish you the worst of conditions
SeaX leader : Kenneth

i just wanna do the whole thing again.. =) OBS.. a life changing experience.. the journey doesen end there.. it starts from there..

and now it gets personal..

calvin - thanks bro for being part of the watch! ur a great guy to talk to! hard to believe we didn meeet each other earlier.. haha..
daryl - hey man! u IMBA pool player.. haha.. totally love ur handwriting!! lol.. that's besides e point.. lol.. thx for everything!
jalene - hello girl.. thanks for being my kayaking partner during the 2nd kayak experience.. sorry to make u endure my horrible singing.. but we had fun yea? =) had fun crapping with you too!..juz wanna say thx to you for so many things.. it would fill up the whole page really.. haha.. so.. tytytytytytytyty!! most impt would be.. thanks for bringing ur cam and the PHOTOS!
gabriel (bobo) - hey man.. u sure brighten up the watch.. those jokes of urs.. gonna keep urs short.. can always tell u by juz walking to ur house.. lol.. 3min away nia!! let's rock vietnam from tml onwards!! =)
huishan - hey girl!! guess we could talk the whole day through! haha.. thanks for being my kayaking partner too!! and hey.. dun worry so much bout the kayak being unbalanced! i can counter it one!! haha.. =) sorry to make u endure my singing and riding the tall waves also.. =)
kenneth - thx.. eh wait.. why the hell am i thanking myself.. ~_~
liying - hey girl! thanks for being so strong minded and joining us back in the kayaking despite having a fever!! u always push urself to be with the rest.. and that's a quality i admire u for!.. o ya.. happy belated btw!! haha.. =)
norwin - hey man.. u and bobo are husbands i tell you... 2 jokers.. 1 is enough to make the watch fun.. 2 of u guys just makes it the most fun watch to be in!!
patrick - heys.. sorry if i was harsh on u that night.. not sure if i pushed it... but yea.. if i did.. i'm sorry.. =) ur a great guy man.. though u stole yingzhen's signature space on my card.. haha
rezza - thanks for being the friendly resourceful and kind guy u always been.. =)
siao chi - Heya!! u really surprised me!! ur such a strong kayaker!! totally changes my mindset abt ____ ok.. sorry! haha.. ur a great gal! though i thought the student council signed on my card initially.. haha
shu qin - thanks for being there always!! haha.. tryin to make us laugh with that song u cant stop singing of urs.. haha
wenyu - wen geok!! haha.. didn know who signed my card when i saw the name lah!! ur a great gal.. duno how come u got so much interest in turning my torch dynamo though.. haha..
yingfang - hello u goldfish.. thanks for being there always!! =)
yingzhen - hello girl.. thanks for being my first partner for kayaking and enduring my singing.. haha.. ur a really strong girl who just cant seem to not talk!! lol.. kept my company the whole trip long.. =)
zhan yuan - yo cool guy.. though u weren't with us during the trip back.. u were with us in spirit!! blam the the boat for hitting u.. =)

final group shots.. =)
gonna miss u ppl!!
some of us guys.. the first photo of the whole thing? haha

slacking when we decided not to do high elements!! haha
some of us nua the whole thing through right? lol
fav time of the trip.. though not so for breakfast!

Washington - hey watch! thanks u all for being in this watch and making it so fun for all of us!! we nua.. we kayak.. we suppered.. and nua somemore.. lol.. and that's washington for us!! gonna miss u guys so much.. we must have another outing soon!! haha "NUA"shington rox!! =)

(7:51 PM)

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
9 days spent.. 9 days rewarded.. 9 days of memories.. 88.8km of kayaking covered.. storms braved.. friendship forged.. ppl bonded.. the total package? priceless
Washington.. it used to simply remind me where the white house is.. and the first american president.. now its more than that.. it is an identity.. a sense of belonging.. 16names.. engraved in its milestone as that of 901/07 - 01..

yup.. so i might be a week overdue for this update.. nope.. dun expect any photos though.. didn bring my camera along.. gotta wait for the other side to send it to me.. =)
anyways.. u cant really expect me to rmb everything that happened day by day right.. so i guess i'll just rant my feelings about it.. =)
strangers we were once.. quiet random personality i portrayed.. initially.. i have no idea as to why i did that anyways.. so weird for me to be quiet.. juz feels wrong.. either ways.. getting to know everyone wasn't as hard as it seems.. everytime we got a chance.. we just start to play ice breaking games.. forming a circle at any place without prompting as if it was the right thing to do.. *guess its an effect of being in too many camps* and it started.. with trust fall.. in a muddy field.. lol.. so much for bringing my shoes.. getting it dirty on the first day.. sadness.. haha.. kayaking soon came into play as the intructors taught as the know how in their bandits as we kayaked out in the.. zzz.. fiber-glass double seater's.. nv thought i would have to sit in it again..no matter.. it was fun i guess.. haha.. my partner was yingzhen.. a first time kayaker but headstrong and never gives up... =) just the qualities needed to compensate the lack of experience! guess i'm lucky! she came with me on the first day of the Sea Expedition.. the one day where everything went wrong for everyone.. sadly.. the current was against us.. the wind too.. and we tread milled for 4 miles.. crazy shit.. me and yingzhen managed somehow to reach the yellow buoy.. the last destination b4 the rescue began due to nightfall.. we were the first of 5 kayaks to reach there.. and i'm really proud of it.. and of yingzhen also.. cuz i became sea sick for a while b4 the final stretch and she carried on paddling.. thx girl! rescue was anything but beautiful i would say... some of those being rescued were separated as the line snapped.. some were towed beside the mother-boat with cold waves splashing at them.. i could only stand by and watch from the mother-boat and regret having my kayak pulled up onto the boat which would have allowed more to come on board.. sigh..i felt so helpless..
i'm not sure if the sky pitied us.. but i tink it did... the sky was cloudless and decorated with a score of stars.. Washington didn bother pitching up tents that night.. we juz laid on the ground and gazed at the stars till we slept..
2nd day of sea-ex i partnered with jalene as she had some issues with her original partner.. and so we kayaked to batam from the yatch club.. =) and we beached up on the wrong beach.. wtf.. lol..
3rd day was comm service which me and 9 others led.. we visited a school which we were supposedly meant to teach but ended up fooling around.. lol.. we also "reno" an orphanage..
4th day was the journey back and i was the Nav for that day which i aimed to kayak back to OBS.. having only 2 hours of sleep.. i entered in and out of lala land.. the expedition also did so with me as i went off course a few times cuz i snoozed off.. gosh.. so sorry guys.. the attempt failed and we were forced to beach up on changi beach due to bad weather.. it was a freaking storm.. worse then the first day of sea ex.. argh.. we went back on the last day.. to OBS..
i shall update more on the details soon..
gotta rush out some reports.. till. then.. hopefully by friday.. haha.. =)

Washington 901/07-01 [alphabetical order]
gabriel (bobo)
siao chi
shu qin
zhan yuan

memories forged.. never forgotten.. =)

(10:45 PM)

last hours
Monday, November 12, 2007
it's always been a game of hide and seek.. the torment of being a seeker as u scrutinize every single corner to find your objective.. when u do.. its a moment of elation and jubilation.. but most of the time u are simply wandering around.. no solid destination, no concrete mindset, simply just trying to get things right.. such is my case..
something happened recently.. a sign perhaps? of something better.. of a new me.. again.. over the years.. i've been adjusting myself to fit in.. and my pride has always gotten in the way.. it's alright being proud i guess.. but i tink i'm way over the top on that personality.. ppl have pointed it out to me once again.. i guess that takes the cake.. its about time i really reflect on this.. be more humble kenneth.. u gotta. stop being someone u know u aint.. just be someone u are.. what u always have been..
OBS is coming round.. juz 1 more day of urban life for me b4 i set off for a place away from here.. a place cut off from everything else.. a place where i can truly reflect and just be myself.. in a camp with everyone else.. for 9 days.. i wonder what it will be like.. i guess it will be fun.. i gotta be more self-conscious.. not to show off so much.. juz be well.. less loud for once.. =)
either ways.. i juz needed to say this out.. so as to serve as a vague reminder to myself what i want to do.. this aint some random rambling.. heck no..
Lord above.. help me with this daunting task..

(2:01 PM)

Thursday, November 08, 2007
PW is over.. i guess i should be happy about that right? or is this smile simply a facade..
i try to smile.. every now and any other random then.. momentary jubilation i would call it.. sad moments and guilt tend to have a longer lasting impact on u.. its a cruel fact of life..
how true it is..
it was during the night cycle.. my bike was having some problems so i ended up moving to the back of the group.. the rest went ahead.. i caught up with liying and she had this terrified look on her face.. her eyes told of lost and anxiety.. complexion told of insecurity and fear.. she relied on me to lead the way.. fearing she might have gone astray.. i tried my best to console her and reassure her.. but experience in this i severely lack.. her tone became more scared.. i could tell she was holding back tears.. i knew i was on the right, somewhat i guessed.. i wanted to be doubly sure so i stopped and pondered.. that was when liying almost broke down.. she asked.. well more of a desperate request for me to call to ensure we are where i thought we are.. we found the way in the end.. a sense of relief calmed me.. i asked if she was alright.. her reply.. obviously was she was.. but her tone didn seem right.. i felt guilt.. guilt that i made her worry.. that i made her fear.. made her insecure.. what am i.. a 17year old male.. not even able to provide her a sense of security she needed at that moment.. logical reasoning would tell me that its not my fault as i was not familiar with the place.. that i do not have photographic memory.. but still i felt this overwhelming sense of guilt and that it was my fault..
everyone was on the floor going to sleep and already snoozing when we reached.. i headed for the beach and just sat there.. i didn tink anyone really noticed.. or at least i thought no one did.. i just sat there as i hear the wave lapped.. eyes scanning past the darken horizon.. a dark blue picture of pulau ubin.. i sat there and prayed.. i talked to him.. and i sang.. it calmed me.. i felt him.. i wonder just how long was it since i actually did this for so long.. i was there for almost 20min.. it was that long..
Wee Liang noticed my absence.. i lied saying i just went to the beach to stone and space out.. maybe it was true.. but more accurately i was pouring my heart out to someone i knew was willing to hear me..
Liying.. it doesen really matter if u dun read this.. i just want u to know.. i'm sorry for what i've done and for what i was not able to accomplish..
i probably wont talk and tink abt this anymore.. but i know it will be lock in my memory.. for those who know.. dun bring it up k? i feel bad enough as it is.. =(

(8:02 PM)

1 is one 2 is two
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
The numbers we all use (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) are known as " arabic " numbers to distinguish them from the " Roman Numerals " (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, etc). Actually the arabs popularized these numbers but they were originally used by the early phonecian traders to count and keep track of their trading accounts.
Have you ever thought why ....... 1 means "one", and 2 means "two"? The roman numerals are easy to understand but what was the logic behind the phonecian numbers?

It's all about angles !
It's the number of angles. If one writes the numbers down (see below) on a piece of paper in their older forms, one quickly sees why. I have marked the angles with "o"s.

No 1 has one angle.
No 2 has two angles.
No 3 has three angles.

and "O" has no angles

(8:02 PM)

Thursday, October 25, 2007
Let me be the bandage for your bleeding;
Let me be the ocean for your tears.
Let me be the secret of your healing;
Let me be the song to still your fears.

Love isn't love that cannot love in darkness,
Nor is it love that turns away from pain;
Nor would I love would I not hold your sadness
And with my love your love of life sustain.

So do not think your malady a burden,
And do not think my willingness deceit.
Just let your sorrow flow into my garden,
And I will share with you the harvest sweet.

(3:21 PM)